Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Torah Learning at Secular High Schools!

Avrechim [married yeshiva students] learning at the Bet El Yeshiva travel once a week, every week, to secular high schools across the country to learn with groups of students who have very little connection to Torah. The idea of the project is to strengthen these students in spirituality and connection to Torah.

Last week, avrechim brought high school students for the first time to Bet El in order to introduce them to Yeshiva life, see a religious yishuv, and deepen the connection between teacher and student.

These avrechim travel every week from Bet El to a wide array of cities and towns, consistently, to learn with students who would otherwise miss the opportunity to learn Torah.

Secular high school students spending a day learning at the Bet El Yeshiva

Secular high school students spending a day learning at the Bet El Yeshiva

Secular high school students spending a day learning at the Bet El Yeshiva