Monday, July 15, 2019

Apologies for This Sensitive Topic, But...

Wake Up! Internet Alarm!
[by Yedidya Meir, Besheva, translated by Hillel Fendel]
It's a bit awkward for me to write about the dangers of the internet, but I have no choice.
1.  I so much don't feel like writing about this. Why should I get myself involved in this dirt? Isn't it something for teachers and rabbis to talk about, privately? Who am I to preach? I would much rather write nice snuggle pieces about Gush Etzion, or about Avigdor Lieberman's ridiculousness in simultaneously attacking the hareidim who don't enlist and the religious officers who are taking over the IDF.
But the truth is: The above points don't really matter. I seem to be in a position to do this, and many have asked me why I don't, and Pirkei Avot teaches that where there's no man, overcome your embarrassment and be a man. So here goes.

News Analysis: Time to Take Back Sebastia

[Based on an article originally published by the Yesha Council, translated and edited by Hillel Fendel]
If you've not yet gotten to visit the Ancient Samaria National Park, you've never seen archaeological beauty in your life. On proud display there are findings from the ancient city of Shomron, which served as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel (as opposed to Judea), and the glorious remains of the town of Sebastia. The tall round basilica pillars standing there amid the other findings have become the unchallenged trademark of the site – a national heritage site of the State of Israel.
However: Over the past year, the Palestinian Authority has declared the site its own! It announced that Sebastia is the most important historical "Palestinian" site in its territory. It has even listed the site as a World Heritage Site of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, totally ignoring the city's Jewish past. The PA has also begun massive development at and around the site, causing damage to the archaeological treasures there. The works underway are of course in direct violation of the Oslo Agreements, which stipulate the preservation of historic and religious sites, as well as coordination with Israel.