Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Landscaping in Bet El

Bet El Institutions has begun developing the landscaping around the main Yeshiva building as well as the Gluck dining hall - a one million dollar project that will include lighting as well as an outdoor plaza! The pictures below display how the area looks today.

Current state of landscaping project around the Bet el Yeshiva

Postponing Sovereignty Once Again...

by Bet El Mayor Shai Alon, translated by Hillel Fendel

Here we go again. Once more, it's "not the right time" for Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. Once again, there are more important things on the agenda. Once again, historic justice and the placement of facts on the ground so critical for the future of the State of Israel are shunted aside, in favor of written agreements and (hollow) applause in capitals around the world.

Shai Alon with Bet El in the background