Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The War for Area C

originally published by the Yesha Council, myesha.org.il, translated by Hillel Fendel

Palestinian construction in the West Bank

Several Israeli reservists, working undercover in Arab areas completely on their own, have revealed a detailed, ongoing Palestinian Authority plan to build the infrastructures for a future Palestinian state. 

The activity, as reported by Channel 13 correspondent Tzvi Yechezkeli, is taking place on a daily basis in areas of Judea and Samaria that, according to the Oslo Accords, belong exclusively to Israel.

The undercover team members refer to the detailed PA documentation that they've discovered as the Archives of the Palestinian Nuclear Bomb: hundreds of construction plans, lists of donors, and lots of money that is being used, right under our noses, to expand the PA's reach to territory assigned by the Oslo Accords to full Israeli control! 

Furthermore, all this is taking place without Israeli permission yet with full and open European Union support - in land on which Oslo forbids the PA to build.

Yom Ha'Atzmaut Celebration at Bet El Yeshiva