Sunday, April 19, 2020

Meretz MK: Most Yesha Jews Will Never Leave

[based on an article by Yishai Friedman in Makor Rishon, translated and edited by Hillel Fendel]
MK Yair Golan (Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Yes, other things are going on in the world aside from Corona. MK Yair Golan of Meretz, who has made some provocatively radical left-wing comments in the recent past, held a Zoom discussion last week with Meretz party activists. Golan presented his position on the evacuation and destruction of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, acknowledging that it does not jibe with that of most of his party colleagues. "A return to the pre-1967 borders is impossible," he said, "and the Palestinians [the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria – ed.] know this as well."