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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Highest Form of Giving

By Baruch Gordon
Edited by Dena Udren

A former Bet El Yeshiva student has reached a point in his life in which he desperately needs your help. The charity that you can give him is truly the highest level of giving, according to the Rambam (Maimonides).

The Rambam lists eight levels of charity, each greater than the next. The greatest level, above which there is no greater, is to support a fellow Jew by endowing him with a gift (or finding employment for him) which strengthens his hand so that he will not need to be dependent upon others.

Y came to Israel from the US alone and reached Yeshivat Bet El, proving to be a talented yeshiva student. After marrying a nice Jewish girl, he got a patent on a device he invented which was purchased by the US Navy for use in training.

Seven children later, Y moved back to the US in pursuit of a venture. After some bad decisions, Y found himself in serious debt and declared bankruptcy. After some very tough times, he has, after 11 years in the US, returned to Israel to live a modest life, and work in his original trade, which enables him to make ends meet.

Y currently resides with his wife and children in a tiny apartment in a remote area. To purchase the equipment he needs to put him back on his feet and be independent, we seek contributions (small and large) totaling $9,500. This is a classic case of gifting someone in dire need with vital financial independence.

Your donation is US tax-deductible and will immensely help a returning family of 9 to build their lives in the Land of Israel. From the holiness of Bet El, we extend blessings to all who contribute.

Please contribute here and send the email receipt to stating: "For Y."

Thank you so much!