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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Internet Revolution in Judea & Samaria

by the Yesha Council,, translated by Hillel Fendel

Just in time for the expected new wave of Aliyah! Israel's Communications Ministry has announced a new policy that will facilitate ultra-fast internet infrastructures, effective immediately.

Specifically, the Ministry wishes to bridge the internet capability gaps between the areas known as the "periphery" – Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, and elsewhere – and central Israel.

Typing on a laptop

How will it work? Largely, by encouraging competition. Regulations are being changed and new, smaller internet players will be able to join the fray and offer their services. This will enable immediate deployment of broadband internet infrastructures in every small town that wants it, without having to suffer through the large companies' long waiting times. This will provide more possibilities for the outlying residents, and improve both service and prices.

Communications Ministry Yoaz Hendel said, "For years, the infrastructures market has been concentrated among just a few large players, but the new regulations will introduce healthy competition and new players. The importance of communications infrastructures is being increasingly understood and recognized, and we must act creatively and flexibly to remove all barriers to accelerate the deployment of the infrastructures."

What this also means is that small communities will be able to obtain their own independent internet infrastructure. Alternatively, larger communities who feel that the current infrastructure companies are not providing a sufficiently satisfactory product, yet feel they have no other choice, will now be able to consider other options.

Within days after the Communication Ministry's announcement, the SMBIT company, based in Mazkeret Batya, near Rehovot, was the first to announce that it intends to provide internet infrastructures for small communities in Judea, Samaria, and elsewhere.

Yesha Council head David Alchayani said he was happy about the new development: "This will enable the communities in Judea and Samaria to connect to speedy internet. High-speed communication, and internet specifically, is of great importance at this time, specifically for educational purposes during this period of Corona, as well as for security purposes and socially. This is an important step towards equalizing the conditions of Yesha residents towards those of Israel's other residents."