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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Samarian Yeshiva Rabbi Responds to Attack on Zionist Rabbis 

by Rav Zalman Baruch Melamed, translated by Hillel Fendel

Rabbi Melamed Cites Talmud: "Torah Scholars Increase Peace in the World"

Rav Zalman Baruch Melamed

The exact circumstances aren't germane, but a rabbi from the non-Hassidic hareidi movement Degel HaTorah recently wrote publicly and disparagingly about two outstanding Torah scholars and rabbinic leaders of the religious-Zionist camp. Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed, Rosh Yeshivat Bet El and a senior rabbinic figure in the national-religious Torah camp, responded with words of peace.

How fortunate are you, Rabbis of the Religious-Zionist sector, about whom the Tannaitic sages say: "Those who are insulted but do not insult, who hear those who shame them but do not respond, who act out of love and are happy with [or: accept] their suffering – about them the Scriptures say: 'May those who love Him be like the sun rising to its full force [at noon]' (Judges 5,31)."

Even when a great rabbi, one who teaches much Torah and who has many merits, speaks against you with condemnation, and insults the rabbis of the religious-Zionist sector – referring to everyone who sees himself a member of that camp, whatever subgroup he belongs to – you are still silent. This silence is worthy of you, and indicates your greatness of soul.

If the Yeshiva heads of the Degel HaTorah [non-Hassidic hareidi] movement would meet with the Torah scholars of the religious-Zionist camp and discuss Torah learning with them, they would see that our camp, too, has many genuine, righteous Torah scholars.

However, most unfortunately, the Torah scholars of Degel HaTorah have formed a separating wall, and do not recognize the greatness of the genuine Torah in our sector. And even though their intentions are admirable and for the sake of Heaven, the honor of Torah is marred by their words. If there would only be unity among the Torah scholars, even if they differ in their outlooks, together with a joint realization that "the intentions of both these and these are for G-d," then the honor of Torah would ascend ever higher, and both camps would be able to work together in full force to bring close those who are far, and bring close the Redemption. 

There is nothing worse than enmity among Torah scholars, and there is nothing better than unity among them, as taught: "Torah scholars increase peace in the world."