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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Pen, the Sword – and the Hilltops

by Doron Nir-Tzvi, INN, translated by Hillel Fendel.

The IDF's military campaign against increasing Iran-backed Palestinian terrorism in Judea and Samaria must be accompanied by the reinforcement of the Jewish settlement presence – and the establishment of a city in the Jordan Valley.   

Everyone with eyes in his head has known for a while that with Israel facing a multi-front war, Judea and Samaria would not be left out for long. And in fact, terrorism against civilians in the areas of Yosh has indeed intensified, stemming first from Jenin and Tul Karem in the northern Shomron, then continuing southward to Binyamin, from there to Gush Etzion, and reaching Judea, where Hevron is the terrorism capital.

In recent weeks, we have seen attempted attacks the likes of which we have not experienced in years. There were car bombs in Binyamin and Gush Etzion, which thankfully were detected in time, and in a form of Lebanonization, 100-kilogram explosive charges were hidden under refugee camp roads, targeting specifically IDF vehicles. We also experienced the brazen murder of three policemen in the Mt. Hevron area, as well as other assorted stonings and shootings.

And they have all been perpetrated with the use of weapons and explosives that made their long way from Iran and Afghanistan, through Iraq and Syria, and finally to Jordan and its semi-porous border with Israel.

Finally, however, it appears that the IDF Central Command has gotten the message. The result is an ongoing offensive - significant but still limited - against the terrorist infrastructures in northern Shomron and in the Jordan Valley.

The terrorists in Yosh have a general lust to kill Jews - but this desire is now buttressed by the added goal of tying up IDF forces so that they will be less available to fight in Gaza and in the north (against Hizbullah). So far, they appear to be succeeding.

Unfortunately, most of Am Yisrael [Jews inside and outside the Land of Israel] do not yet understand the essential importance of renewed Jewish settlement in the Gaza region, which was a major Jewish center even back in Talmudic times. Even our Prime Minister said that in his opinion, this is an unrealistic goal.

In my humble opinion, however, as we destroy Arab terrorist-stronghold cities in Gaza, we must simultaneously rebuild the Jewish residential presence there. This will be an acknowledgment of the utter foolishness of the Disengagement from Gush Katif in Gaza 19 years ago, and a form of "repentance" for having wantonly abandoned this precious part of our holy national inheritance. It will also, of course, serve as a painful punishment to Hamas, and a lesson for all those who wish to mimic them.

On the other hand, a withdrawal of IDF forces from the region will be a renewed Disengagement – of which everyone now sees the folly. As King Solomon wrote, "As a dog returns to his vomit, so does a fool repeat his folly" (Proverbs 26,11).

So much for Gaza. But regarding Judea and Samaria, there is practically no dispute regarding the necessity of both an IDF and a civilian presence there. Right now there are over half a million Jews living there, not even including another 300,000 who live in the areas in and around Jerusalem that were liberated in the Six Day War. As such, our presence there is a concrete fact that cannot be changed, and provides critical protection for central Israel.

Now, when Abu Mazen and Fatah still refuse to hold elections because they know that Hamas will win, is a perfect opportunity. We must destroy terrorist cities that support, encourage, and incite terrorism, and at the same time expand the Jewish settlement enterprise in Yosh by building new communities – even cities! – and expand the existing ones.

A New Jordan Valley City!

The increasing terrorism in the Jordan Valley towns of Tubas, Tamon, and Fara al-Jiftlik must be punished by the establishment of a Jewish city in the huge Jordan Valley expanse of vacant state lands. It should be located so as to connect to the main west-east Highway 5, leading from the Tel Aviv area to Ariel and points further east. We must also build a railroad that passes through the city of Ariel; the railway is already in the planning stages from central Israel to Ariel.

If the new city is built with public housing, as the Shamir government did in the 90's for the great wave of Aliyah from Russia, this will also be a solution for the shortage of housing for young couples in our country. Finding such housing must be a flagship project, including also expansion of existing communities and building new ones, and even in Area B (under Israeli military control).

We can thus achieve several national goals together: the eradication of terrorism in central Israel by striking out at the infrastructures that support terrorism; attaining cheap housing for young couples; and the strengthening of Jewish settlement in our heartland. We also thus achieve the observance of two important Torah commandments: inheriting the Land of Israel, and settling it.

Hopefully our political leaders will understand and start the ball rolling.