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Monday, December 28, 2020

IDF Prep Academy Hosts "Corona" Wedding 

Last Wednesday night Israel's Cabinet approved a third lockdown to begin this past Sunday and to last for at least two weeks. This did not bode well for Oded, a former student and current counselor at Bet El's IDF Prep Academy, who was supposed to get married this upcoming Thursday at an open wedding hall in the Mercaz.

When Oded first came to the Academy, he had no contact with his father, no serious connection to Torah and mitzvot [commandments], and he was working in a mall with very few prospects for his future.

He made tremendous improvements at the Academy. He focused on self-improvement, he became a combat soldier and commander in the IDF, he did complete teshuva [became fully Torah observant], and after his service he returned to the Academy as a counselor.

Last Wednesday at 8pm, his lovely bride, an ulpana graduate from Dimona, decided enough was enough and that she didn't want to put off the wedding until after the uncertain end date of the lockdown. They decided to get married the following day. Immediately, the entire Academy jumped into action, organizing catering, tables, a band, invitations to family members - everything that is required for a wedding.

In less than 24 hours, at 5pm last Thursday, and a week before their scheduled wedding date - the couple was enjoying their kabbalat panim [wedding reception] at the home of Rabbi Avraham Zarbiv, former head of the Academy.

The joy was tremendous and absolutely nothing was lacking. As soon as the decision was made to move up the wedding, the entire community had jumped to its feet to help. All of Oded's friends from the Academy - graduates, current students, staff, teachers - everyone felt like part of one big family that had helped one of their sons get married.