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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Urgent Appeal for CFO's Lifesaving Medication

Dear friends and supporters,

The CFO of Bet El Institutions – a real, honest, diamond of a person, and an accomplished Torah scholar – was diagnosed in the early summer of 2018 with Mesothelioma cancer. After testing several different (and unsuccessful) types of chemo, doctors finally found one that reduced the growth.

The chemo was not covered in the social medicine (Kupat Holim) basket and it cost $9,100/month. So two years ago we turned to you to help cover the cost of this lifesaving medicine – and it worked!

This man is an administrative genius, a veteran worker of decades, and plays a key role as Bet El Institutions’ Chief Financial Officer – he is the brains behind balancing the books for ALL educational and construction projects. He also volunteers for multiple causes in Bet El, including as an active member on the Bet El Town Council. As Bet El Institutions’ founder Ketzaleh says, “He is Bet El’s most important behind-the-scenes person.”

Unfortunately, the CFO was informed recently that the cancer has returned, and he will need a new medication that is also not covered in the social medicine (Kupat Holim) basket. The cost is $2,500/month and it must be taken for 6 months.

So once again, we are turning to the public for help with this out-of-budget expense of funding a lifesaving treatment for a man most worthy. Please contribute today by clicking the red button below.

Donate for our CFO's lifesaving treatment and make a difference

Many thanks for any amount.

Baruch Gordon for Ketzaleh and the entire staff

Yaakov "Ketzaleh" Katz and Baruch Gordon