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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

First Time in America: No More "West Bank"

by 0404 news, translated by Hillel Fendel.

A city in Florida has passed a municipal council decision that the Biblical areas of Judea and Samaria, in modern-day Israel, will no longer be referred to by the phrase "West Bank." Mayor Larisa Svechin of Sunny Isles (pop. 22,000) led the way for the decision, under which the areas will be known only as "Judea and Samaria." 

The difference is that the name "West Bank" implies that the area is known only for having been captured by Israel from the Kingdom of Jordan, and ignores its Jewish history as the Biblical areas of Judea and Samaria. 

The city's decision followed an official visit to Florida by Yossi Dagan, the head of the Shomron Regional Council. In addition to meetings with Congressmen and others, he met with Mayor Svetchin. She apparently did not need much convincing; her bio on the city's website states that she is "a fierce advocate for democracy and is unapologetically Zionist. She unequivocally stands with Israel forever."

Explaining the decision, which is a first in the United States, Mayor Svetchin said, "The time has come that we adapt ourselves to the truth. The historic name of this area is Judea and Samaria, not the West Bank. Using the right term is not just a matter of [geographic] accuracy, but rather respect for the historic and Biblical connection of the Jewish Nation to the land. This decision reflects the solidarity between the residents of Sunny Isles and Israel, and shows our deep understanding and recognition of Israel's historic roots, which echo strongly within our community."

Council head Dagan congratulated the city and its mayor on its historic decision, and asked that Svetchin promote a similar initiative in the United States Congress. "The words West Bank should be deleted in all official U.S. texts, to be replaced by Judea and Samaria immediately," he said. "This historic and important decision in Sunny Isles should set the direction for all those for whom human history is important and who are not willing to accept the trampling of the truth."

Mayor Svetchin said that "standing up for truth is not just a powerful deed, but also has a wave effect. When one locale chooses courageously to speak the truth, this arouses others to do the same, and creates a wave of integrity and courage."

Dagan explained that the using the words "West Bank" – i.e., the western bank of the Jordan River border between Israel and Jordan – is actually a deception. "It seeks to imply that these areas are occupied by Israel, when in fact they are the cradle of the Bible and the heart of hearts of the Jewish Nation. Many of the most important events in the history of the Jewish People happened there: those of the Shilo tabernacle, of the Judges, and the Kings of Israel. In addition, the Patriarch Abraham entered the Promised Land here, his descendants lived here, Joshua built the Altar here, the Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried here, and more and more."

Dagan thanked Mayor Svetchin, "who has courageously pioneered and became the first to take this decision, and I am sure it will soon become the norm in the Western world that sees itself as a fighter for truth and justice."